
Here you can view our carefully selected partners, and express your interest to partner with us!


Here you can view our carefully selected partners, and express your interest to partner with us!

Join us!

It takes a village to raise a child, and partnerships grow a healthy community where instead of competing, we join forces and create the best for the future - our children. If you are interested in a partnership with Edulinxs Club, you can contact us by completing the form below.

Our Partners

Who is predictable parenting?

Mette Theilman is the founder of the Parenting Community app at Predictable Parenting. As parents, we've all needed expert advice and connections with like-minded parents to help us boost our parenting skills. The Parenting Community app is a parent's superpower for raising resilient and independent children with confidence. Mette offers full access to the app completely free for the first two weeks so you can access all the resources and expert advice in one place. 

What can you expect to see from us?

Edulinxs Club's partnership with Predictable Parenting means we are growing our resource centre with fantastic expert knowledge delivered to you. Mette Theilmenn will share the best parenting advice with you completely free on Edulinxs Club's Blogs. Explore the Parenting Community app to see the resources and free activities we've been sharing with her community of parents here.


Interested in a partnership? Fill out the form below to express your interest!